It is time to get serious, Folks!! Coronavirus, or Covid-19 is NOT a hoax! It is a deadly disease that is easily spread from human to human. If you have been exposed, even if you don't have a fever or cough, you can still spread it to others.
At least 1 American is dying nearly every minute throughout our country. And it is a terrible, heartbreaking disease. Do you know why?? Because you suffer alone. Your family can't visit you. Nurses try to comfort you, but they have too many patients for the care they would like to give.
We should start calling this disease the Die-Alone-A-virus, Because you suffer alone. Your family can't visit you. Nurses try to comfort you, but they have too many patients for the care they would like to give. because that is what happens.
You might be lucky and not get too sick from it. If you want to be reckless and go out and "live it up", or protest, or just run around with friends, stop for just one minute, and think about this:
Imagine you go out and have fun and then come home. Now imagine your best friend, your grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, or your spouse and suppose you pass it on to one (or God forbid, all) of them. Imagine that person gets really sick. They start gasping for air, so you call an ambulance. The paramedics take them to the hospital, No, you can't meet them there. They spend days, maybe weeks in the hospital, fighting for their life. You can't visit. You can't be there for them. They keep getting worse. They are scared. Maybe they have complications and need a limb amputated to save their life, or they have to be intubated. You can't be there to cry with them. The nurse and doctor discuss "end of life" concerns. You aren't there to comfort them. Finally, the hospital calls and informs you your loved one is dead, and gives you the info you will need to claim "the body". How will you feel, knowing that you brought this on them because of your recklessness. Still having fun?
If you are a parent, an aunt, uncle, grandparent; How would you feel if a child you love catches this disease? They will have to go to the hospital by themselves and suffer all alone. Think of how frightened they will be. You can't comfort them. Imagine being hooked up to machines, just a child, not understanding, but all alone. Imagine that the last time you saw that child alive was as the ambulance pulled away, the child drying, begging to not make them go alone.
Can you live with that?
If you have read this far and you still think it is more important for you to leave home for fun, to protest, or whatever (unless you have a truly "essential job") please unfriend me. I don't need heartless or selfish people in my life.
I know this is hard on many people. Food may be low, bills are due. You're scared. Call your creditors. Make arrangements with them. Open up to friends. If you've never asked for help before, you just might have friends who have been waiting to be able to help you for a change. Call your local government offices for help. Don't let pride hold you back. You are not alone in this suffering.
There are people, organizations, businesses our there who want to help. Ending this "social distancing" too soon won't help the economy. It won't make things "normal" sooner. It will only prolong this disaster even longer. You have time right now. Call your Congressmen, House & Senate. I assure you, the House is fighting to help everyone. Tell them you back them in this. Tell them the things you, an American, are suffering and you expect them to help YOU.
Call your state congressman if you have a problem with a landlord, utility company, etc. Tell them you need relief. I have faith that our government will do the right thing for you if enough of us contact them and tell them our votes depend on them doing the right thing. Tell them we are watching what they are doing (not what the media or individuals are saying) and we will judge them by what they do for American citizens, AND what they do to help the wealthy who are not suffering right now. Tell them PEOPLE OVER PROFITS!!