Badlands USA

Badlands USA

Friday, April 18, 2014

How to Recognize Propaganda Masquerading as Truth

     In today's world of "Breaking News" and hundreds of channels competing for your attention, too many have resorted to lies and misinformation to get your attention and loyalty. Media and Politicians feed on your fears, your passions, your interests, your beliefs. They don't do this so they can help you, but rather to grab you in, to give them time to convince you that you are where you belong, with them. It is getting harder and harder to avoid the propaganda, and if we want to make our country the best, we must learn to recognize it, and stop it.
     To help; I have an easy guide to propaganda, in simple terms, to help you spot it. When you find propaganda, you should expose it, and stay away from the sources.

How to Recognize Propaganda Masquerading as Truth
1. Fear-mongering - It instills fear, rather than giving facts.
2. It resorts to name-calling and passes it as fact.
3. Projection/Flipping - Example: Man is cheating on his wife/ accuses his wife of cheating.
4. Rewriting the facts as we know them.
5. Scapegoating/Othering- Making you feel good about demonizing a group. Giving  
             you a group (race, economic, education, religion, geography, language, etc.)
             to hate/put-down.
6. Bullying - (Yelling, interrupting, not allowing the opposition a chance to get a word
                in edgewise)
7. Confusion - Making things sound so confused, you will believe it rather than
               appear stupid.
8. Populism - We are right, and those who believe differently are enemies.
9. Invoking Religion - Throughout history, men have used religion to start wars,
              encourage hated, and create division.(Preachers excepted, when not politicizing)
10. Saturation - Repetition for the sake of repetition. The whole group saying the
               same thing, over and over, with  everyone repeating it word for word.
11. Disparaging Education - The disdain for education and other evidence of being
                trained in critical thinking are direct threats to a hive-mind mentality, which
                is why those who are educated are so viscerally disdained by the
12. Guilt by Association - (Because we all know that if you happen to be seen with
                someone with differing views, you must be one of "them") {sarcasm}
13. Diversion - Suggesting that we "move on" rather than answer a question; asking
                a question rather than answering a question; bringing up a completely
                different topic rather than continue on the subject now that it isn't going
                your way.
14. Hostility - towards anyone that disagrees. Name calling, cursing.
15. Misinformation - Only using one source for all information
16. Clips - Quoting, or showing videos of a speech or activity, but only a short clip,
                 without divulging the entire idea behind it. (ex. Taking Bible passages out
                 of context; a speech that includes only 1 line)

If you find yourself doing a lot of the above, Congratulations, you are a victim of propaganda, and you are no longer thinking for yourself.

 It might not be propaganda if:
1. Reliable information - The speaker gives sources for their information (articles from
            reliable sources, video, audio) Validation of the information  However, beware
            of  video and audio if it has been shortened to just one part of a comment.
           (See 16 above)
2. Encourages debate - It accepts input from "the other side"

If you research before you believe; if you question things that don't make sense; if you recognize inconsistencies; if you seek numerous additional sources for your information; if you critically analyze the information you get; if you discuss your thoughts with those who think for themselves; if you don't agree with EVERYTHING from any one group . . .  
Congratulations, you still think for yourself!!!

One last thought: If you have friends that have fallen into any of the 16 propaganda techniques, they have been sucked in and will try to do the same to you. If you can't help them see what has happened, avoid using them for information.

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