Badlands USA

Badlands USA

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Best Democrat Strategy - From here out

The Best Democrat Strategy

Bernie Sanders has no chance of winning. The Math is against him.

He has run a hard game, and surprised many with his strength at the polls, but it was not enough.

Unfortunately, Bernie failed to keep up a clean campaign by simply reading a headline and making the assumption that his opponent had said something she didn’t. In that moment, instead of finding out what actually happened, he unloaded all his frustration on Hillary and broke his own promise. I am sure that frustration, loss of sleep, and exhaustion played a role in his reaction.  But it didn’t stop there, he just kept going!!  No one likes to lose. But part of being President is holding your tongue at the right time, controlling your anger, and responding with intelligent dialogue, not with vicious tongue wagging and spiteful rhetoric. At that moment, Bernie lost everyone torn between the two candidates. 

But all is not lost. There IS a remedy, and EVERYONE can be a winner.  Here is my proposal:

Senator Sanders could announce that the toll of the election is too much for him physically, and because of his health, he must withdraw. He will have run a good race, and by withdrawing, he did not lose, therefore, he can still feel good about himself, and his followers have no reason to blame Hillary.

Then, Bernie can endorse Hillary, and wish her the best.  

Hillary can accept the endorsement, say what a contribution Bernie has made to the campaign, and invite him to join her on the trail “on his good days”

Bernie could still hold rallies at college, and give his stump speech, leaving out his attacks on Hillary. He could teach the young people the things they don’t know about how our government works, and encourage them to vote every election, to consider public service, and to volunteer to help Bernie and the Democratic Party fix the issues he stands so strongly for. He could be the Chairman for "Get Out the Vote" on Hillary's team.

The DNC can bring Senator Sanders as a speaker at the convention, and use some of the things he has brought out as major concerns, to be considered for the Party Platform.

Hillary & Bernie could make some appearances, together, showing the Democratic Party, and the World, that the Democratic Party is forgiving, compassionate, and ALL INCLUSIVE.  Together, between now and the convention, they can keep telling people how important it is to TURN CONGRESS BLUE. They can fund-raise, invite Independents that agree with the platform to change their party affiliation to Democrat, and make the DNC so strong, the GOP can never take control again.

By not spending money on Hillary or Bernie, there will be MORE money to help Congressional candidates, state candidates and governors who are running.

Together, Hillary & Bernie could turn the U.S. Map BLUE.  

Let’s stop the bickering, face the truth, come together and do what’s RIGHT FOR AMERICANS!

Bernie, I love you. Hillary, I love you.   Let’s do something Together.

 Inclusion, not exclusion; Love, not Hate; Triumph, not defeat; Blue, not Red; Together, not apart

It’s time for the adults to show the world how cooperation works.

And if Bernie plays his cards right, he could end up being the Hero that helped put the first Female in the White House!!

1 comment:

  1. Panders is the one who chose this negative campaign, it's been growing for some time, and it is only going to get worse until he finally goes down kicking and screaming. He doesn't want to unite a party he does not belong to; he would rather set the whole country on fire than concede defeat.
