Badlands USA

Badlands USA

Saturday, September 13, 2014

We are Letting the Enemy Win, and The Media is Helping!!

September 11, 2001 was “the end of American Innocence”, as some reporters have claimed. But it wasn’t the first time the U.S. had been attacked:

On Dec.7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The American people came together, helping one another, and mourning together. U.S.A. entered World War II.
Sadly, our President sent all Japanese Americans to internment camps for the remainder of the war. It took many years for an investigation to determine that our government’s actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership" and that there was no evidence of Japanese disloyalty during war time.

On Feb. 26, 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed. Only 6 people were killed, but1,046 were injured. The attack was considered a failure. America mourned together.  It was a glimpse of something brewing, but Americans returned to their normal activities, and put it behind them.
April 19, 1995, 168 people were killed, (including 19 children (3mo – 5 years) in a daycare center, and 3 pregnant women) and 680 others were injured, when a bomb was set off at the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in OKC. 324 buildings within a 16 block radius were damaged or destroyed. 219 children lost one, or both parents that day. 
Because of the World Trade Center bombing, the Media jumped to the conclusion that Muslims were responsible, reporting their “suspicions” as truth and in response, Muslims, and people of Arab descent, were attacked around our country.  It soon became apparent that Muslims were not involved, but many Americans hung on to that idea. Instead, a former American soldier, Timothy McVeigh, had committed this act of terrorism. That’s right, a White, blonde-haired, blue eyed, All American Soldier, with a Bronze Star.
So, Americans put it behind them, and returned to normal.

Each time, Americans came together. They helped one another. They were one. Color and religion (once the Muslim aspect was debunked) didn’t matter, because we were “Americans”

Then, in an instant, our country changed  
We were not attacked in one spot. New York, Washington D.C. and even Pennsylvania experienced this tragedy. American families all over the country lost a loved one. And American planes were used for the attacks. It’s randomness of victims was frightening.

We had ‘found the enemy” but, the enemy had no country.  They had a religion, but not a country. So, we clung to that religion to focus our hate. Immediately, Muslims in our own country were attacked.  There were 481 hate crimes against Muslims in the last months of 2001, and some of those attacked were not Muslim, they only “looked” Muslim.
Instantly after 9/11, it was important to make sure people knew you weren’t Muslim.

Being a Christian became a badge of “proof” of being an American, a Patriot. Suddenly, Christians had someone to look down on, and use as “examples’ of “non-Christian” behavior. And once they did, they started looking for more to hate, to shun, to condemn.
The U.S. began splintering into groups  People started associating with “their own kind” and started to fear, and be suspicious of all others.

And  then, something Materialized . . . . . . . .
Hate: intense or passionate dislike. "feelings of hate and revenge"

Not hate from the outside, but hate from within.
 It became OK to hate your neighbor. Being suspicious of someone who looked different was patriotic. Shunning people who didn’t attend your church somehow showed how “Christian’ you were.
White, Christian American Politicians, the people who represent the American People, started telling Americans how horrible Muslims were. It didn’t matter if they had come to America to find a different life, they were still the enemy. Sharia law became the new cry. Atrocities in other countries were used as examples of what “ALL MUSLIMS” believe, and practice. Politicians started telling people that Muslims would bring Sharia Law to the U.S. if we didn’t do something now!

Then the Media became instigators. They decided which news was important. Muslims denounced what the terrorists had done, but the Media chose not to report it. Muslims tried to teach their neighbors that their religion was not what those terrorists claimed, but the Christian Americans would not listen. Muslim women were afraid to wear their distinctive dress in public, for fear of being hurt. Americans took out their anger on other Americans. And politicians failed to protect the Muslim Americans. Media chose not to explain the differences between Extremists and regular Muslims. Instead of Americans being educated, they chose to let the Media educate them. It didn’t matter that at least one News Channel was owned by Arab Muslims.  And why would an Arab owner want to prevent Americans from learning the truth about American Muslims?  Think about it.

President Bush visited a Mosque to ask Americans to respect Muslims  “These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that.” He quoted from the Koran: “In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil.” Then he continued in his own words: “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.”  Unfortunately, this was not shown over and over and over like the media does for so many other “newsworthy” articles. After all, it was just the President speaking.

So people were not listening. They had hardened their hearts, and instead, became deaf to the truth.

Politicians used this anger to tell us that is was “lack of God” that brought all this about, and all we need to do is to turn back to God. But, only the Christian God. No one else’s God counts. So, to make this point, we must write laws with “Gods” laws in it. Politicians started illegally writing laws that were unconstitutional, but that didn’t matter, because “we are bringing God back to America”  Suddenly, everyone that isn’t a Christian is not only a sinner, but not worthy of protection by our Constitution.  But at the same time, those same politicians claimed that there was a “War of Christians”.  All of a sudden, there was a War on Christmas, too. We started hearing stories of people fired for saying Merry Christmas, Children were suspended for praying in school, it was reported so much that it began to sound like there was a war on Christians, but it was blown out of proportion.  In the meantime, they didn’t report about the beatings of homosexuals (sure, a few to appease them,, but not to the proportion of the “war on Christians”)  They didn’t report the laws forcing Christian values and teachings into the schools, the many non-Christians that were denied jobs for no reason but their beliefs, and that cities were putting up Christian symbols, while denying the right to any other group to do the same. Yes, the media reported the  Westboro Baptist Church, as “fanatics”, but their preachings are the very same thing being preached in Christian churches all over the country, it was just that they protested at funerals, and by agreeing how stupid and fanatical they were, Christians were proving that they were better than that. They weren’t fanatics.

So what happened?

Fear: An anxious feeling, caused by our anticipation of some imagined event or experience

Suddenly, after the attacks on our land, Americans were afraid that we would be attacked again. We feared anyone different. We feared religions other than what we knew. We began to fear our own shadow.
And by doing so, we lost. 
The attacks were not to physically destroy America. They were to destroy our country from within. It was to cause Americans to fight among themselves. They wanted Americans to be afraid of their neighbors, strangers, and most of all, fear change.

So, Americans became afraid. So afraid that they were willing to let the Patriot Act pass, taking away many freedoms, in the name of security. We ignored the lack of logic about invading Iraq, when we knew that Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein  were not friendly at all. We encouraged our President to defy the U.N. and attack Iraq even though the “assurances” that they had WMDs were not reliable. We ignored the irrational decision to go to Iraq, when all intelligence indicated the Osama Bin Laden was in Afghanistan or Pakistan. We let fear and emotions lead us into two wars.

Everyone is afraid of something. There are two kinds of fear. Rational and Irrational.
Rational is normal. It protects you from harm. It keeps you from jumping out of planes without a parachute, from entering a burning building without protection, from picking up a poisonous snake.  It does not prevent you from normal activities.

Irrational fear is paralyzing.  It short circuits your thoughts, it prevents you from doing things you might otherwise do, and it increases your fears about other things. You become afraid of change, of strangers, of anyone different than you. You cling to familiar things. You fear death, so you cling to the idea of eternal life. You stop listening to anyone that doesn’t feed on your fears, because all you focus on is fears.  You listen to the same people who are making you afraid, in case you miss something else you should be afraid of.  And you start to hate the very things you are afraid of.
So what happens?
Your fear and your hate become so intermingled that you don’t even know which one is which anymore. Suddenly, you fear your neighbor because they don’t go to the same church as you. You hate anyone that looks like they might be Middle Eastern because you believe they hate you.  You fear any truth that does not agree with your fears. You start to believe that people are trying to trick you into being less afraid so they can hurt you.  You search for articles that “prove” that you need to be afraid. You find articles about bad cops (because good cops rarely make the news) and you “know” that you should hate cops, so you do.  You keep scouring the internet for more “proof”, and sure enough, conspiracy theory blogs and “news sites” tell you how the government is planning against you and lying to you. When rational, you would never have accepted “unnamed sources” or “someone who told someone who told someone”  as being reliable information, but, once again, it proves that you are right to be afraid. You find articles about poisons in your food. You learn that one doctor says that immunizations cause autism, so you don’t get your child immunized – “That’ll teach them”.  Then when your child get measles or whooping cough, and ends up in the hospital, it is the government’s fault, because you read that somewhere. Your reasoning becomes so distorted that you ignore the policies that allow big companies to pollute your drinking water, because you have much more important things to be worried about, like homosexuals, and abortions, and the “war on Christians”.  Because your sole source of information tells you so.

In the meantime, life goes on, but not without this fear and hate. You hear about an American being beheaded and you hate Middle Easterners even more (even though this is one cruel, extreme group that are despised even by other terrorist groups).

And numerous politicians, instead of telling us they would make sure that the government would keep us safe, keep the fear going.  Why? Because fear is a good tool for propaganda. If you are afraid, and someone promises that they have an answer, you will listen and believe. If you aren’t afraid, you will be more skeptical. So their answer is “Christian Canon Law” (read that Sharia Law for Christians.  That’s right! Let’s start acting like the very people we fear. That’ll teach them!!

President Franklin Roosevelt famously asserted, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

President Roosevelt was right. Fear can turn a country against itself.

And while that is happening, the enemy wins. 

When our country cannot agree on anything, and we bicker amongst ourselves, they laugh. 

When the rest of the world watches our Congress and the childish antics of temper-tantrums and shut-downs, the small groups of terrorists that helped to bring us to this smile. 

When Americans carry rifles into grocery stores to intimidate those around them, the enemy snickers.

When Americans scream obscenities at scared children who are running from atrocities, the enemy praises his God.

When Americans make effigies of their President, and Congressmen yell "You Lie" as the President speaks, and people claim, "He isn't MY President" the enemy applauds.

When Coingressmen stand up and cry "War, War, War" as their resolution for everything happening overseas, the enemy jumps for joy.

When American corporations pollute our land and water, and buy Congress, the enemy nods their heads in approval. 

The enemy cheers, because their small numbers have brought down the Great American People.

I, for one, refuse to go down.  It is time to wake up, and SAVE AMERICA!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Has Happened to America? Can We Fix it?

I have seen an America that reached out to Earthquake victims halfway around the world.
I have seen Americans leaving home to help others rebuild after tornados.
I have seen Americans open their homes after thousands of people died, and even more found themselves homeless after Hurricane Katrina.
I have seen America sends its young men to fight wars that were not affecting our people, but we could not stand by and allow horrible things to happen to good people
I have seen America, as a leader of the Free World; a country that all countries looked up to, who was admired, and was the model of what other countries would strive to be like.
I have seen America lead the World to Peace.
I have seen America put a man on the moon.
I have seen Americans adopt orphaned children from other countries.
I have seen Americans risk their own lives to save others.
I have seen an America, with beautiful waterways, majestic mountains, exciting shorelines, grand valleys, and vast open lands.
I have seen an America that wept together over the death of our President, and cheer when our soldiers finally came home.
I have seen Americans come together and mourn the deaths of children in a horrible shooting.
I know that Americans can be the most caring, respectful, loving, helpful people on this Earth

So, what has happened?

Today, I see Americans screaming at scared little children who have traveled 1300 miles, risk their lives, often without their parents, to escape almost certain death.
Today, I see people cheering that over 400 children have been bombed, shot, and burned out of “safe places”, just because “bad men” might be nearby
Today, I see Americans using vulgarities and name-calling to OTHER AMERICANS, simply because they don’t agree.
Today, I see Americans, who claim to be Christians, telling our government it is OK to let people in America starve.
Today, I see Americans cheering on a war, and applauding the deaths of hundreds of innocent humans.
Today, I see Americans carrying guns out in the street for no other reason than to intimidate and scare women and children.
Today, I see Americans, so full of hate, it breaks my heart. If only people could see how ugly hate makes them
Today I see American Politicians lying to the very people that they represent, making promises they have no intention of keeping, just so they can get into office to increase their own wealth.
Today, I see American Christians claiming that they are being persecuted, while they try to force Christianity on all of society (persecuting all those who do not believe)
Today, I see Americans standing before cameras, telling Americans that their “right” to have a gun is more important than a child’s life.
Today, I see American representatives writing laws that they know will cost people their lives, & cause children to starve, and ignore those people who served our country in wars.
Today I see American representatives making laws that make it harder for a poor person to pull himself out of poverty, a young person to get an education, and the average person to afford a home
Today, I see American representatives trying to take healthcare away from Americans, and I see people dying because of this.
Today, I see atrocities in our own country, and WORSE, I see Americans applauding those actions.
Today, I see American politicians willing to waste billions of dollars fighting among themselves, re-investigating the re-investigations of the investigations, and yet refuse to help those who, through no fault of their own, have lost their jobs and can’t find new ones.
Today, I see American Adults who cannot read above a 4th grade level, who can’t spell, and who refuse to accept FACTS, because lies fit their prejudices, and the facts don’t.
Today I see American Adults teaching their children that you judge a person by the color of their skin, or how they vote, or where they live, rather than how they treat others.
Today, in America, I see poor people, with nothing, sharing with those who are hurting, while those who have more than they could ever spend look the other way.
Today, I see American representatives who vote for laws that benefit only those who have given money to them so that they could represent America
Today, I see American representatives who pass out checks to other representatives, from a company that wants to influence their votes on the bill they are voting on (and they vote in that company’s favor)
Today, I see America’s highest Justices, who rule, not based on the Constitution, but rather on their own personal prejudices and beliefs (something our Founding Fathers tried very hard to make sure would not happen)
Today, I see those same Justices, benefitting from the very rulings they make. I see them refusing to recuse themselves when there are obvious conflicts of interest.
Today I see American Politicians who make a pact to obstruct the smooth running of our government, just because their party did not “win”.
Today, I see America, falling into Third World status for incarcerations, poverty, healthcare, infant mortality, climate denial, literacy of adults, early child education, gun violence, mental health, inequality, and infrastructure.
Today, I see countries shaking their heads as they see how Americans treat Americans.
Today, I see an America that cheers when it takes 2 hours of tortuous gasping and choking, just to execute a man, while the world looks on and sighs.
Today, I see a Justice System that allows up to 6% of death row inmates (waiting to be executed) who never committed a crime
Today, I see a Justice System that wrongfully incarcerates up to 10,000 a year, who are not guilty.
Today, I see Americans, who will not stand up to corporations that are poisoning our waters, destroying our land, polluting our air, and profiting from it.
Today, I see Americans voting for a person because of the letter beside their name, rather than what that person stands for.
Today, I see Americans supporting people so uneducated that they cannot possibly understand (or read) the very laws that they will help pass.
Today I see Americans, who are more concerned with “revenge” against a criminal than they are about Justice, and allow innocent men rot in jail.
Today I see American Drug Companies create pills to treat the symptoms, rather than working to create cures.
Today, I see billionaires who show their contempt for those “beneath” them, and those “beneath” them cheering them on, oblivious that they are the very people these men despise.
Today, I see people disrespecting OUR President, just because he’s half Black (Don’t tell me that’s not the reason, because the hate started before he was even inaugurated.)
Today, I see American Christians saying ugly, nasty things about our President and wishing OUR President dead,

Today, I see Fascism.

Yes, Fascism has come to America. And only if  “WE THE PEOPLE”, join together NOW, can we put a stop to this before it is too late.
Half of you know what I am talking about, and the other half THINK you know what I am talking about.

Based on various studies of several fascist countries and how they came to power:
This is Fascism:
  1. An Oversized Military Industrial Complex: A disproportionate amount of money (especially when there is a lot of debt) spent on the national defense. When a country is willing to go into war, and run up an enormous debt without concern for how it will be paid. Where money is taken from the schools, infrastructure and the hungry, just to add to the military budget.
  2. Extreme Nationalism – Flag waving, symbols, colors, songs, mottos.  A fascist leader will encourage these in order to manipulate its people. Think Hitler, with his salute, flags, swastikas (compare to today’s confederate fight flags, snake flags, signs, chants, screaming slogans) All of this is used to create a “Mob mentality”  (Think of the crowd choosing Barabbas over Christ)
  3. Bringing religion into Government: Hitler called Germany a “Christian nation”, the Muslim countries use religion to control; Religious rhetoric is used to ‘whip up” the anger in the people. Religion is used to blind the people with anger. (Again, hink of the crowd choosing Barabbas over Christ)
  4. Suppression of Unions: Unions are dismantled or severely limited, because the labor unions are usually where the greatest resistance has come from.
  5. Passion for Justice: Fascist regimes give the police unlimited power. They allow this to happen so that when the time comes, they can use the police against the people.  Death sentences increase and people are encouraged to cheer for these executions (in the name of justice), to numb them to the upcoming executions. Conviction rates become more important than whether a person is guilty or innocent.
  6. Corruption and Cronyism: Big Corporations and the Wealthy put their puppets into office through donations of funds, manipulation of the media, and lies. Government officials are wooed, tempted, and bribed by those seeking to gain power. This can be, and often is, an outside force, looking to gain control. The wealthy and powerful use their money to insure government employees will cover for these individuals as they break the laws, and get those officials to create laws that protect them people from accountability.  National resources and treasures are often sold to those seeking control. (Think: selling off our National Parks, allowing drilling in national parks without compensation)
  7. Fraudulent elections: No, not a few people voting twice. This is large scale. Gerrymandering to guarantee certain people will be elected; making it harder for voters to vote; long waiting lines so that people will give up; poll taxes; IDs; shortening registration times; shortening voting hours; Creating fewer voting locations so that people have to travel farther to vote.  Using judges to make final election results.
  8. Demeaning the intellectual and artistic: Fascist regimes promote hatred towards highly intellectual people – professors, higher education, etc. In fact, when fascist regimes take over, the intellectuals are usually the first to be arrested or killed. Why? Because these are the people that can see what is happening, and can speak well enough to open the eyes of the people. Free expression is openly attacked. People are encouraged to intimidate, belittle, and show contempt for those who disagree with their political beliefs (especially those who approve of the cronyism, religious rhetoric, and those who don’t get involved)
  9. Corporate Power is Protected: The giant corporations and extremely wealthy individuals use their money to buy power.  They finance putting their puppets in office to create a mutually beneficial relationship. Laws are passed to give corporations less regulation, and more freedom to rip off the average citizen. Monopolies are allowed to take-over, removing all competition.
  10. Control of Mass Media: A few select people, who are helping the fascist regime attempting to gain power, are allowed to buy up the media, and promote their own propaganda. The fascist groups encourage the courts to allow lies and misinformation to be used to keep the public blind to what is happening right in front of them.  During war time, censorship runs rampant.
  11. Extreme Sexism: Fascist governments are almost exclusively male dominated. Women are “kept in their place”  Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed, while the “state” becomes the “guardian of the family”
  12. Scapegoats, enemies, conspiracy theories: The people are united by providing “enemies”.  The fascist regime tells people that those who do not agree with the leaders are a threat to their government. In fascist regimes, this is usually minorities, liberals, communists, socialists, ethnic groups, minority religions,etc. Racial inequality is encouraged, and minorities are considered threats. Immigrants are considered dangerous, because there might be intellectuals (or worse yet, they might recognize fascism because they have experienced it).  The people are whipped into a frenzy of patriotism and blind faith to make them more easily manipulated.
  13. Loss of Human Rights: Because of “fear”, the people in a fascist regime are encouraged to arm themselves, distrust, and fear everything. They are convince that torture, executions and assassinations, and incarcerations of dissidents is necessary for the good of the country.
  14. Obsession with National Security:  Again, fear is developed in the people so that they fear everything from the outside. They are taught to ‘distrust outsiders”.  Fear of attack, fear of insurgents, fear of conspiracies are all used to control the people, and convince them that the government is going to protect them, as long as the go along with the government. They are encouraged to turn away anyone who doesn’t already understand the country’s patriotism. Concern with immigration and “outsiders” are exaggerated by leaders and the media.
  15. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR – The media, the politicians, and the corporations create a frenzy of fear. Afraid of businesses shutting down if the “right leader” isn’t selected. Diseases run rampant, while people are convinced that medical preventive measures are dangerous.  The media blasts 24/7 with war, hate, anger, murder, death, violence, injustice, and more fear. Fake “news” programs, newspapers (in today’s world, blogs, cyber-news) rise, and create conspiracy theories. They refute other news stories. Conflicting reports confuse people to the point of causing them to trust only one source for information. And then this information is tailored by those who want to keep the people in fear.

So, you see, we are headed toward a Fascist Regime. 
Will it be Obama? NO! It will not be a Liberal, because Liberal, by virtue of its very meaning, is against everything that leads to fascism.
Look around you. Look at your representatives:
Who is allowing corporations to pollute and not clean up?
Who is telling you that immigrants are bringing diseases?
Who is trying to sell off our national parks and treasures?
Who keeps insisting that we spend more than ½ our national budget on our military industrial complex, and cut help to our Veterans, our Children, our Aged, our Poor, our Working Class? 
Who is trying to privatize our schools, our prisons, our healthcare, our utilities, our national bank account?
Who wants to risk our money in the stock markets, so that Wall Street can make money, and our tax money could be lost?
Who is telling you that women, Blacks, gays, and immigrants are inferior? 
Who has cut spending to schools, Medicaid, & raised interest rates student loans?
Who wants to keep you uneducated, unhealthy, and unemployed? 
Who is allowing Corporations to poison our water and food supply, and not demanding that they clean it up?
Who is trying to de-regulate businesses, and allow monopolies?
Who is trying to bring religion into law? (I know some of you think that is a good thing, but look around the world. Those countries that combine religion and government are always in conflict, have severe limits to freedom, and violate human rights. Is that what you want for America?)

So, it is up to Every American to stand up and say “NO!!” to fascism. We must put our differences aside, and stand up against those who want to take over our government, OUR COUNTRY, and turn us into their slaves. If we don’t wake up, and do something, we will not have any freedoms.  Stop arguing for your right to bear arms. Instead of carrying rifles, go to the polls and vote out those who want to destroy OUR AMERICA!!

If you see that you might have been wrong, that you have been fooled, and you feel foolish. It’s OK. It happens to the best. But don’t let that stop you. While we are still free, it is OK to change your mind. Those of us who have known the truth all along will not hold it against you. We need each other if we want to make America a Great Nation once again. Please, come join us!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I Like Being a Congressman

I like being a Congressman    
The job is mighty fine      
I only work two days a week  
Taxpayers do not whine    

I make the laws and write the checks
And help the country run
I Meet the Press & Morning Joe
And maybe shoot a gun

I get to visit ‘round  the world
And never pay a dime
Taxpayers fund my every trip
I’m smiling all the time

My staff  talk to the taxpayers
I’m too busy for that
Lobbyists need all of my time
Get money for a chat

I get to get away with lots
Emptying the coffers
The more I spend the more I get
Taking Lobby offers

I have the power of the state
I control the nation
People die without my vote
While I take a vacation

Hungry children and starving Vets
Their lives depend on me
But businesses don’t want to pay
So I just wait and see

This black man in the White House
Has really made me mad
I sit and stew and do nothing
And make my people sad

But that’s OK, Yes, that’s alright
Big business has my back
While people starve and people die
I fill my money sack

Millions of dollars I rake in
But it doesn’t help the people
Because to get elected now
I have to fool the sheeple

I spend all my time complaining
That the President is wrong
He’s trying to fix the nation
He’s trying to be strong

But that won’t do, no not at all
How dare he do his job
While Congress sits and does nothing
Stirring up a lynch mob

You see, I have the citizens
Wrapped around my fingers
I hide behind Rush, Beck, & Fox
Though the stench still lingers

I have the people where I want
Believing that I care
I smile at them and lie to them
And say, “It’s good, I swear”

And if that doesn’t work for me
I have my own goon squad
I’ll cry & pray & tell them all
That I was sent by God

You see that Christianity
Is good for politicians
God Bless America, Amen
Puts you ahead of competition

I want the sheeple dumb and poor
Uneducated’s best
The less I spend on them, you see,
The more they’ll work for less

If taxpayer’s should get upset
If they should ask for more
I’ll simply tell them we can’t help
And start another war

If taxpayers ever catch on
It still won’t hurt me, see
When I leave here I’ll have a job
Working for a Lobby

I like being a Congressman
This job, it has its perks
I lie and steal from everyone
And you’re the one who works

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Middle Class will Rise - Seuss Style

I do not like this GOP
I do not like them, no sir-ee
I do not like this Tea Party
They do not like you, you, or me

The GOP does stupid things
Like not passing anything
They do not pay their bills OH, NO
They only Hate, Hate Mr. O

The Tea Party is even worse
The hate, they lie, they scream & curse
Bigots, they claim they are not
But actions speak to us a lot

These guys are awful, yes they are
They’ll let bridges crush your car
They’d rather support the Ku Klux Klan
Than let you have a healthcare plan

They will not feed the starving poor
Would rather spend cash on a war
Fight, Fight, Fight, that is their cry
And start another with a lie

They whine and cry and run to Fox
To cover up the laws they block
Then blame it all on MR O
Because, because, they do not know. . .

The history books about this age
Will show their hatred and their rage
They tried to ruin this great nation
Because of one Black Man’s oration

Everything that helps society
Because of their proclaimed piety
While taking cash, an impropriety,
They vote with questionable sobriety

Big Business buys our Congress now
And to the Kochs, they all do bow
I will admit, in my opinion,
Each are just a Koch Bro Minion

SCOTUS works for ALEC too
They don’t even have a clue
They think citizens are obtuse
Impeachment we will introduce

Hannity, Beck, Rush, O’Reilly
They feed you BS, oh so slyly
They hate, complain, and tell you stories
Rather than Obama’s Glories

People, stand, and fight these louts
Vote and kick each one out
U.S.A. belongs to US
And they can all just take a bus

They can go to Israel,
Or they can even go to Hell
They’ve harmed this country way too much
These guys are oh, so, out of touch!

The U.S.A. was once so Great
But hasn’t been so much of late
Prisons stuffed, and children starving
GOP must be departing

All of our elected reps
When walking down those concrete steps
Some of whom belong in prison
Will learn The Middle Class has risen

The U.S.A. will rise again
Much to the GOP’s chagrin
The Right-wing fascists have no clue


Monday, July 14, 2014

A Visual Assessment of Our Founding Fathers on Religion

Thank you for

Off Topic - The Recent Christian Invasion

I have been reading a lot of "religious rants" from many on Facebook lately, and it got me to thinking. (Uh-oh)

I have heard many people parrot Michelle Bachman's comments that everything that is happening are signs that Rapture is near. I have actually heard people talk about speeding up "The Coming".

So, I started wondering. What happens if they destroy the Earth faster, because they are so sure they "know" that the time is near, only to destroy the Earth, and Rapture not come yet? Do they believe they can force Rapture by taking away the ability to live on Earth?

ANd, what if the majority misinterpreted the Bible? Such as the idea that "Grace" saves you? What if it turned out that when Jesus returned, only those who had kept HIS Commandment, (you know, the one about loving your neighbor), were the ones that went to the Father?

We can label ourselves Christians, but isn't it up to God to decide if you really are, or not? It really doesn't matter if you go to a Christian church, what matters is what is in your heart, right? If you really believe that God is Omnipotent, do you really think that He isn't smart enough to see past your own claims, and know your heart? Aren't your actions proof of your heart? What if God holds us accountable for those who we helped put in power? As good Christians, shouldn't we be putting loving, compassionate, honest people in office? Is "claiming" to be a Christian really enough of a resume' to vote for someone? Think about all the horrible things that have been done in the name of Christianity.

What if Rapture came, and no one was taken? What would the Tea Party/GOP do then? What if only Democrats were "lifted into Heaven" (not all, just some), because they had actually been compassionate, loving, accepting people who followed the "Golden Rule"? 

I know that for non-believers, this doesn't apply, but since the biggest problems in our country right now seem to be coming from "good Christians" I have to wonder what they would do? If they got left behind, would they become more hateful? If the belief that Rapture is coming soon (BTW, rapture does not appear in the Bible) is believed by so many, and they are being as hateful as they are, what would happen? It honestly scares me. 

Would Jesus offer ANOTHER chance to these people? 

I don't know. Some churches still believe in "good works". I, for one, hope that if the Bible has been misinterpreted, it is in favor of them.

The problem is, we don't know. But, it seems to me, when someone gives you a final order, when they know they will die soon, THAT should be considered an important rule to follow. Jesus said " I AM the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me." So, wouldn't following HIS commandment (The Golden Rule) be necessary?
Especially when eternity is at stake?

Friday, April 18, 2014

How to Recognize Propaganda Masquerading as Truth

     In today's world of "Breaking News" and hundreds of channels competing for your attention, too many have resorted to lies and misinformation to get your attention and loyalty. Media and Politicians feed on your fears, your passions, your interests, your beliefs. They don't do this so they can help you, but rather to grab you in, to give them time to convince you that you are where you belong, with them. It is getting harder and harder to avoid the propaganda, and if we want to make our country the best, we must learn to recognize it, and stop it.
     To help; I have an easy guide to propaganda, in simple terms, to help you spot it. When you find propaganda, you should expose it, and stay away from the sources.

How to Recognize Propaganda Masquerading as Truth
1. Fear-mongering - It instills fear, rather than giving facts.
2. It resorts to name-calling and passes it as fact.
3. Projection/Flipping - Example: Man is cheating on his wife/ accuses his wife of cheating.
4. Rewriting the facts as we know them.
5. Scapegoating/Othering- Making you feel good about demonizing a group. Giving  
             you a group (race, economic, education, religion, geography, language, etc.)
             to hate/put-down.
6. Bullying - (Yelling, interrupting, not allowing the opposition a chance to get a word
                in edgewise)
7. Confusion - Making things sound so confused, you will believe it rather than
               appear stupid.
8. Populism - We are right, and those who believe differently are enemies.
9. Invoking Religion - Throughout history, men have used religion to start wars,
              encourage hated, and create division.(Preachers excepted, when not politicizing)
10. Saturation - Repetition for the sake of repetition. The whole group saying the
               same thing, over and over, with  everyone repeating it word for word.
11. Disparaging Education - The disdain for education and other evidence of being
                trained in critical thinking are direct threats to a hive-mind mentality, which
                is why those who are educated are so viscerally disdained by the
12. Guilt by Association - (Because we all know that if you happen to be seen with
                someone with differing views, you must be one of "them") {sarcasm}
13. Diversion - Suggesting that we "move on" rather than answer a question; asking
                a question rather than answering a question; bringing up a completely
                different topic rather than continue on the subject now that it isn't going
                your way.
14. Hostility - towards anyone that disagrees. Name calling, cursing.
15. Misinformation - Only using one source for all information
16. Clips - Quoting, or showing videos of a speech or activity, but only a short clip,
                 without divulging the entire idea behind it. (ex. Taking Bible passages out
                 of context; a speech that includes only 1 line)

If you find yourself doing a lot of the above, Congratulations, you are a victim of propaganda, and you are no longer thinking for yourself.

 It might not be propaganda if:
1. Reliable information - The speaker gives sources for their information (articles from
            reliable sources, video, audio) Validation of the information  However, beware
            of  video and audio if it has been shortened to just one part of a comment.
           (See 16 above)
2. Encourages debate - It accepts input from "the other side"

If you research before you believe; if you question things that don't make sense; if you recognize inconsistencies; if you seek numerous additional sources for your information; if you critically analyze the information you get; if you discuss your thoughts with those who think for themselves; if you don't agree with EVERYTHING from any one group . . .  
Congratulations, you still think for yourself!!!

One last thought: If you have friends that have fallen into any of the 16 propaganda techniques, they have been sucked in and will try to do the same to you. If you can't help them see what has happened, avoid using them for information.