Badlands USA

Badlands USA

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Has Happened to America? Can We Fix it?

I have seen an America that reached out to Earthquake victims halfway around the world.
I have seen Americans leaving home to help others rebuild after tornados.
I have seen Americans open their homes after thousands of people died, and even more found themselves homeless after Hurricane Katrina.
I have seen America sends its young men to fight wars that were not affecting our people, but we could not stand by and allow horrible things to happen to good people
I have seen America, as a leader of the Free World; a country that all countries looked up to, who was admired, and was the model of what other countries would strive to be like.
I have seen America lead the World to Peace.
I have seen America put a man on the moon.
I have seen Americans adopt orphaned children from other countries.
I have seen Americans risk their own lives to save others.
I have seen an America, with beautiful waterways, majestic mountains, exciting shorelines, grand valleys, and vast open lands.
I have seen an America that wept together over the death of our President, and cheer when our soldiers finally came home.
I have seen Americans come together and mourn the deaths of children in a horrible shooting.
I know that Americans can be the most caring, respectful, loving, helpful people on this Earth

So, what has happened?

Today, I see Americans screaming at scared little children who have traveled 1300 miles, risk their lives, often without their parents, to escape almost certain death.
Today, I see people cheering that over 400 children have been bombed, shot, and burned out of “safe places”, just because “bad men” might be nearby
Today, I see Americans using vulgarities and name-calling to OTHER AMERICANS, simply because they don’t agree.
Today, I see Americans, who claim to be Christians, telling our government it is OK to let people in America starve.
Today, I see Americans cheering on a war, and applauding the deaths of hundreds of innocent humans.
Today, I see Americans carrying guns out in the street for no other reason than to intimidate and scare women and children.
Today, I see Americans, so full of hate, it breaks my heart. If only people could see how ugly hate makes them
Today I see American Politicians lying to the very people that they represent, making promises they have no intention of keeping, just so they can get into office to increase their own wealth.
Today, I see American Christians claiming that they are being persecuted, while they try to force Christianity on all of society (persecuting all those who do not believe)
Today, I see Americans standing before cameras, telling Americans that their “right” to have a gun is more important than a child’s life.
Today, I see American representatives writing laws that they know will cost people their lives, & cause children to starve, and ignore those people who served our country in wars.
Today I see American representatives making laws that make it harder for a poor person to pull himself out of poverty, a young person to get an education, and the average person to afford a home
Today, I see American representatives trying to take healthcare away from Americans, and I see people dying because of this.
Today, I see atrocities in our own country, and WORSE, I see Americans applauding those actions.
Today, I see American politicians willing to waste billions of dollars fighting among themselves, re-investigating the re-investigations of the investigations, and yet refuse to help those who, through no fault of their own, have lost their jobs and can’t find new ones.
Today, I see American Adults who cannot read above a 4th grade level, who can’t spell, and who refuse to accept FACTS, because lies fit their prejudices, and the facts don’t.
Today I see American Adults teaching their children that you judge a person by the color of their skin, or how they vote, or where they live, rather than how they treat others.
Today, in America, I see poor people, with nothing, sharing with those who are hurting, while those who have more than they could ever spend look the other way.
Today, I see American representatives who vote for laws that benefit only those who have given money to them so that they could represent America
Today, I see American representatives who pass out checks to other representatives, from a company that wants to influence their votes on the bill they are voting on (and they vote in that company’s favor)
Today, I see America’s highest Justices, who rule, not based on the Constitution, but rather on their own personal prejudices and beliefs (something our Founding Fathers tried very hard to make sure would not happen)
Today, I see those same Justices, benefitting from the very rulings they make. I see them refusing to recuse themselves when there are obvious conflicts of interest.
Today I see American Politicians who make a pact to obstruct the smooth running of our government, just because their party did not “win”.
Today, I see America, falling into Third World status for incarcerations, poverty, healthcare, infant mortality, climate denial, literacy of adults, early child education, gun violence, mental health, inequality, and infrastructure.
Today, I see countries shaking their heads as they see how Americans treat Americans.
Today, I see an America that cheers when it takes 2 hours of tortuous gasping and choking, just to execute a man, while the world looks on and sighs.
Today, I see a Justice System that allows up to 6% of death row inmates (waiting to be executed) who never committed a crime
Today, I see a Justice System that wrongfully incarcerates up to 10,000 a year, who are not guilty.
Today, I see Americans, who will not stand up to corporations that are poisoning our waters, destroying our land, polluting our air, and profiting from it.
Today, I see Americans voting for a person because of the letter beside their name, rather than what that person stands for.
Today, I see Americans supporting people so uneducated that they cannot possibly understand (or read) the very laws that they will help pass.
Today I see Americans, who are more concerned with “revenge” against a criminal than they are about Justice, and allow innocent men rot in jail.
Today I see American Drug Companies create pills to treat the symptoms, rather than working to create cures.
Today, I see billionaires who show their contempt for those “beneath” them, and those “beneath” them cheering them on, oblivious that they are the very people these men despise.
Today, I see people disrespecting OUR President, just because he’s half Black (Don’t tell me that’s not the reason, because the hate started before he was even inaugurated.)
Today, I see American Christians saying ugly, nasty things about our President and wishing OUR President dead,

Today, I see Fascism.

Yes, Fascism has come to America. And only if  “WE THE PEOPLE”, join together NOW, can we put a stop to this before it is too late.
Half of you know what I am talking about, and the other half THINK you know what I am talking about.

Based on various studies of several fascist countries and how they came to power:
This is Fascism:
  1. An Oversized Military Industrial Complex: A disproportionate amount of money (especially when there is a lot of debt) spent on the national defense. When a country is willing to go into war, and run up an enormous debt without concern for how it will be paid. Where money is taken from the schools, infrastructure and the hungry, just to add to the military budget.
  2. Extreme Nationalism – Flag waving, symbols, colors, songs, mottos.  A fascist leader will encourage these in order to manipulate its people. Think Hitler, with his salute, flags, swastikas (compare to today’s confederate fight flags, snake flags, signs, chants, screaming slogans) All of this is used to create a “Mob mentality”  (Think of the crowd choosing Barabbas over Christ)
  3. Bringing religion into Government: Hitler called Germany a “Christian nation”, the Muslim countries use religion to control; Religious rhetoric is used to ‘whip up” the anger in the people. Religion is used to blind the people with anger. (Again, hink of the crowd choosing Barabbas over Christ)
  4. Suppression of Unions: Unions are dismantled or severely limited, because the labor unions are usually where the greatest resistance has come from.
  5. Passion for Justice: Fascist regimes give the police unlimited power. They allow this to happen so that when the time comes, they can use the police against the people.  Death sentences increase and people are encouraged to cheer for these executions (in the name of justice), to numb them to the upcoming executions. Conviction rates become more important than whether a person is guilty or innocent.
  6. Corruption and Cronyism: Big Corporations and the Wealthy put their puppets into office through donations of funds, manipulation of the media, and lies. Government officials are wooed, tempted, and bribed by those seeking to gain power. This can be, and often is, an outside force, looking to gain control. The wealthy and powerful use their money to insure government employees will cover for these individuals as they break the laws, and get those officials to create laws that protect them people from accountability.  National resources and treasures are often sold to those seeking control. (Think: selling off our National Parks, allowing drilling in national parks without compensation)
  7. Fraudulent elections: No, not a few people voting twice. This is large scale. Gerrymandering to guarantee certain people will be elected; making it harder for voters to vote; long waiting lines so that people will give up; poll taxes; IDs; shortening registration times; shortening voting hours; Creating fewer voting locations so that people have to travel farther to vote.  Using judges to make final election results.
  8. Demeaning the intellectual and artistic: Fascist regimes promote hatred towards highly intellectual people – professors, higher education, etc. In fact, when fascist regimes take over, the intellectuals are usually the first to be arrested or killed. Why? Because these are the people that can see what is happening, and can speak well enough to open the eyes of the people. Free expression is openly attacked. People are encouraged to intimidate, belittle, and show contempt for those who disagree with their political beliefs (especially those who approve of the cronyism, religious rhetoric, and those who don’t get involved)
  9. Corporate Power is Protected: The giant corporations and extremely wealthy individuals use their money to buy power.  They finance putting their puppets in office to create a mutually beneficial relationship. Laws are passed to give corporations less regulation, and more freedom to rip off the average citizen. Monopolies are allowed to take-over, removing all competition.
  10. Control of Mass Media: A few select people, who are helping the fascist regime attempting to gain power, are allowed to buy up the media, and promote their own propaganda. The fascist groups encourage the courts to allow lies and misinformation to be used to keep the public blind to what is happening right in front of them.  During war time, censorship runs rampant.
  11. Extreme Sexism: Fascist governments are almost exclusively male dominated. Women are “kept in their place”  Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed, while the “state” becomes the “guardian of the family”
  12. Scapegoats, enemies, conspiracy theories: The people are united by providing “enemies”.  The fascist regime tells people that those who do not agree with the leaders are a threat to their government. In fascist regimes, this is usually minorities, liberals, communists, socialists, ethnic groups, minority religions,etc. Racial inequality is encouraged, and minorities are considered threats. Immigrants are considered dangerous, because there might be intellectuals (or worse yet, they might recognize fascism because they have experienced it).  The people are whipped into a frenzy of patriotism and blind faith to make them more easily manipulated.
  13. Loss of Human Rights: Because of “fear”, the people in a fascist regime are encouraged to arm themselves, distrust, and fear everything. They are convince that torture, executions and assassinations, and incarcerations of dissidents is necessary for the good of the country.
  14. Obsession with National Security:  Again, fear is developed in the people so that they fear everything from the outside. They are taught to ‘distrust outsiders”.  Fear of attack, fear of insurgents, fear of conspiracies are all used to control the people, and convince them that the government is going to protect them, as long as the go along with the government. They are encouraged to turn away anyone who doesn’t already understand the country’s patriotism. Concern with immigration and “outsiders” are exaggerated by leaders and the media.
  15. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR – The media, the politicians, and the corporations create a frenzy of fear. Afraid of businesses shutting down if the “right leader” isn’t selected. Diseases run rampant, while people are convinced that medical preventive measures are dangerous.  The media blasts 24/7 with war, hate, anger, murder, death, violence, injustice, and more fear. Fake “news” programs, newspapers (in today’s world, blogs, cyber-news) rise, and create conspiracy theories. They refute other news stories. Conflicting reports confuse people to the point of causing them to trust only one source for information. And then this information is tailored by those who want to keep the people in fear.

So, you see, we are headed toward a Fascist Regime. 
Will it be Obama? NO! It will not be a Liberal, because Liberal, by virtue of its very meaning, is against everything that leads to fascism.
Look around you. Look at your representatives:
Who is allowing corporations to pollute and not clean up?
Who is telling you that immigrants are bringing diseases?
Who is trying to sell off our national parks and treasures?
Who keeps insisting that we spend more than ½ our national budget on our military industrial complex, and cut help to our Veterans, our Children, our Aged, our Poor, our Working Class? 
Who is trying to privatize our schools, our prisons, our healthcare, our utilities, our national bank account?
Who wants to risk our money in the stock markets, so that Wall Street can make money, and our tax money could be lost?
Who is telling you that women, Blacks, gays, and immigrants are inferior? 
Who has cut spending to schools, Medicaid, & raised interest rates student loans?
Who wants to keep you uneducated, unhealthy, and unemployed? 
Who is allowing Corporations to poison our water and food supply, and not demanding that they clean it up?
Who is trying to de-regulate businesses, and allow monopolies?
Who is trying to bring religion into law? (I know some of you think that is a good thing, but look around the world. Those countries that combine religion and government are always in conflict, have severe limits to freedom, and violate human rights. Is that what you want for America?)

So, it is up to Every American to stand up and say “NO!!” to fascism. We must put our differences aside, and stand up against those who want to take over our government, OUR COUNTRY, and turn us into their slaves. If we don’t wake up, and do something, we will not have any freedoms.  Stop arguing for your right to bear arms. Instead of carrying rifles, go to the polls and vote out those who want to destroy OUR AMERICA!!

If you see that you might have been wrong, that you have been fooled, and you feel foolish. It’s OK. It happens to the best. But don’t let that stop you. While we are still free, it is OK to change your mind. Those of us who have known the truth all along will not hold it against you. We need each other if we want to make America a Great Nation once again. Please, come join us!!!

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